All articles
[Version 1] Export from the iPhone app, how-to
[Version 1] Restore a backup on the Windows app, how-to
[Version 4] Create a checklist, how-to
[Versions 1, 2 & 3] Backup from the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 1, 2 & 3] How do I move Bird Journal to another computer
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Add photos on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Customise what to record on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Enter observations on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Graphs on the Windows app
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] I cannot download the latest update, I get a wrong file size error
[Versions 2 & 3] Change personalisation settings on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 2 & 3] Print reports on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 2 & 3] Restore a backup on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 2, 3 & 4] Change localisation settings on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 2, 3 & 4] Import, how-to
[Versions 3 & 4] Export, how-to
[Versions 3 & 4] Filter records on the Windows app, how-to
[Versions 3 & 4] Mapping on the Windows app
Add photos, how-to
Backup from the desktop app, how-to
Bird Journal [Windows app] is being blocked by my virus checker, how do I fix it?
Bird Journal is now even more Free: FAQ
Bird Journal Pricing
Can I import eBird records to Bird Journal?
Can I use the mobile apps with my copy of Bird Journal 2 or 3?
Create a checklist, how-to
Delete a location on the mobile app, how-to
Delete an observation on the mobile app, how-to
Does Bird Journal need internet?
Enter observations in the desktop app, how-to
Export from BirdTrack, how-to
Export from eBird, how-to
Export from Wildlife Recorder, how-to
Export, how-to
Family Subscriptions
Filter records in the desktop app, how-to
Fix Bird Journal 2 or 3 corrupt user options file
Getting started
How accurate are the species counts?
How are taxonomy updates handled?
How do I import from Bird Journal 1, 2 or 3?
How do I update my credit card details?
How many observations and photos can Bird Journal store?
How secure is my data in Bird Journal's systems?
I have thousands of records, how reliable is Bird Journal?
I've lost my version 1, 2 or 3 installer or license key. How do I get them again?
Import from AviSys, how-to
Import, how-to
Is Bird Journal available for the Mac?
Library Publish Guidelines
Taxonomy updates, how-to
Version 4 is crashing on start, help!
What's new in the Bird Journal 5 desktop apps?
When printing gray scale graphs, why is the print quality poor?
Where do I find my Bird Journal 1, 2 or 3 license key?
Why are dates showing in US format on the desktop app, I'm in the UK?!
Why does Bird Journal tell me no internet connection is available?
Why is my email not recognised?
Why subscriptions?
Young Person Subscriptions