[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Enter observations on the Windows app, how-to
Navigate to record sightings
Bird Journal separates the content from the editor, which means when browsing through your journal records are protected against accidental changes. To add new sightings create a new entry, an entry is like a trip or outing. The ‘New Entry’ button can be found on the top left of the main menu:
To edit existing sightings navigate to the entry where the sighting belongs to then click on the ‘Edit Entry’ link found on the top right of the entry page. Clicking on the link will open the edit entry window. The ‘Edit Entry’ link looks like this:
When you add a new entry or edit an existing entry the sightings editor is located at the bottom half of the page. Below shows what the sightings editor looks like:
Record sightings
All species belong to a checklist, to record sightings first select the checklist you wish to use. The list of checklists is defined by the selected location for that entry. For example, selecting the UK as your location updates the checklist dropdown to show checklists that are relevant to the UK.
Add sightings by typing in to the textbox named ‘Species’. The ‘Species’ textbox searches all species within the selected checklist. To speed up entry type in partial letters to find the species, like ‘ba g’ for Barnacle Goose. Species name can be searched for using any word order, i.e. ‘g ba’ will also find Barnacle Goose.
The ‘Options’ button found next to the ‘Species’ textbox customises the ‘Species’ list. By default the search options defaults to ‘Species’ and naming to ‘Local Name’, see below. To search for subspecies or scientific name enable the appropriate options.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used to speed up entry. These are:
Tab: Moves the cursor to the next field.
Alt-N: Moves to the next sighting.
Enter: When the count textbox has focus, pressing the enter key moves the cursor back to the ‘Species’ textbox ready to enter the next sighting.
There are shortcut keys for sighting properties of type checklist box. If you look closely at the property names above, the underlined letter is the key to press in order to check a property checkbox. The shortcut keys are enabled when a species is selected and the notes field is not in focus.
Record additional information about your sightings
Record as little or as much as you like using the sighting properties. If you are not interested with count or photos, these can be hidden from view using the settings found in the options menu.
You can edit the ‘Properties’ section to create a list of your own custom properties.
Add using Checklist
Add using checklist lets you tick the species you’ve sighted from a checklist instead of using the keyboard. The ‘Add using Checklist…’ button is located just below the sighting properties in the new/edit entry page.
In the example below the add using checklist page looks very similar to the main sightings editor, the only differences is a species list box, search textbox and a location filter.
You can change the checklist at any time using the ‘Checklist’ dropdown (world checklists like Clements and IOC are excluded). Changing the checklist updates the items displayed in the species list box, previously selected species are remembered.
The location filter lets you filter the species within a checklist that have been recorded before. In the example below, the location filter is set to Rutland Water, which means only species seen at Rutland Water would show in the species list box.
When you are happy with the records click on ‘Ok’ to add your sightings to the new/edit entry page.
Note: The main sighting editor and the ‘Add using Checklist…’ editor can be used simultaneously.
Edit/Remove Sightings
Sightings belong to entries, to edit or remove a sighting find the entry the sighting belongs to, click on the ‘Edit Entry’ button found at the top right of the entry page. In the edit entry page, locate the species in the sightings editor and select the species by clicking on the name.
In the example below the Greater Canada Goose is selected, the sighting can now be edited or removed. When you are done editing your sightings, click on the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.