Export from BirdTrack, how-to
Getting started
Bird Journal is now even more Free: FAQ
Export, how-to
[Versions 3 & 4] Mapping on the Windows app
[Versions 1, 2, 3 & 4] Customise what to record on the Windows app, how-to
[Version 4] Create a checklist, how-to
Import from AviSys, how-to
Taxonomy updates, how-to
Add facility to merge lists
Ability to compare actual records against potential number of records
Export/synch to MapMate
The ability to import individual cheklists from eBird in desktop · completed
Allow import/copy-paste on the taxonomy edit screen · under review
Allow for Genus or "Group" level observations
Add subspecies to country checklists
Create a Web version · completed
How can I enter subspecies in the mobile app? · declined
Make it easier to change users when multiple users (ie., a couple) are using Bird Journal.
Group entry - this is a modification on the shared entry but it works as a top down rather than bottom up. A push rather than pull.