Life list count running total
I think it would be interesting to have a graph that provides a running tally of the life list. So time on the x axis and number of life birds on the y axis, so one can look at "progress" over time. Alternatively (or additionally), it would be nice to have BirdJournal provide your life count on a certain date or over a date range. There are times when, after a big trip, I wonder how many lifers I got on that trip and right now there doesn't appear to be a good way to really get at that number.

There features are now available in the v5 desktop apps.
Please create new suggestions to cover anything you feel we missed / would like to see.
Thanks for your help!
Best wishes,
Species Progress:
You're most welcome and thanks for the feedback Edward!
I've noted this down to address.
Edward King commented
Congratulations and THANKS for releasing these features. I have been exploring them and already they have helped me to spot interesting and helpful trends (and one error) in my entries.
I do have a bug to report. It looks like the Lifer and First of Year badges are triggered by date alone, without regard to time of day. What this means is that if you visit two separate locations on one day and include the time of visit in your entries, and you see the same Lifer/Year First at both the earlier visit and again at the later visit, the badges show up on BOTH entries, when they really should only appear on the earliest entry.
I love the saving to summary idea Edward. I was thinking about allowing you to "favourite" a location, which may allow e.g., the species count to show on the summary screen, perhaps with links to the appropriate screens/reports.
Filtering to entries with firsts would be nice too, but again will not be part of the initial work. Similar to that I'd like to include filtering to all entries with photographs. And showing an icon on the entry in the list to indicate it has firsts (like with photos) would be nice too, but that would slow things down without more significant work.
Brian Jones commented
I think the firsts in the entry portion of lifers/firsts is prominent enough and not overwhelming, and the badges won't be overwhelming. Obviously on January 1, everything will light up, but that will go away quickly. The only additional feature that I can think of that would be cool is to be able to select a location that is your "yard list" and to have the badges tell you when you've just gotten a new yard bird.
Edward King commented
I think the updated Species Progress graph is great. Excellent idea both to remove the current limitation of it being set to a single year, which has been a little frustrating, and to add the ability to "zoom in" to the underlying data via tool tips. This will make me happy :)
I do also like the Lifer and Year First badges. Maybe there should be an option to toggle their display on or off to address the concern that they may be overwhelming for new users or at the start of a new year. A couple of additional thoughts for consideration: (1) When viewing the main list of Entries, should there be a filter at the top to show only entries with a First recorded? (2) I know some people also record location-specific firsts, not just date-specific firsts, eg, they have a county list or a local bird club area list. Your new Firsts report will allow this by filtering by Location, but I'm wondering whether you can make the filter selections "sticky" between sessions so people can set the filters to their preference (eg, by Location) and have that persist whenever they load the report, until they change the filters. A more flexible approach would be to allow people to save specific Reports to the Summary screen.
Finally, here's a design for changes to the entry report where details & badges have been added for firsts. What do you think? -
Thanks Sheila & Edward. Would the following updated graph also be useful? The original suggestion did cite a graph specifically: -
Edward King commented
I like the design too. No concerns or additional suggestions. Thanks!
Sheila Wood commented
This design would meet all my needs from this type of list. Thank you
@Sheila There's nothing specific for lifers or firsts in the initial version 5 desktop app release. This suggestion is much closer to the top of the list now though. :)
Sheila Wood commented
Love your suggestions, Justin re "lifers" Has this been incorporated into version 5? The lack of this feature is the only disappointment I have had using Bird Journal
Peter commented
I do agree with the ideas and suggestions put forward (e.g. by Mike). This would mean a huge improvement on use for trips.
Thanks for the feedback Mike. Could you please create a separate suggestion for filtering? Easier to track that way.
Mike Creighton commented
I agree with the OP. From my point of view a simple filter that allows counts and listing of species of new sightings - lifers - with filters for date range and location would be sufficient. Obviously if that came with graphs and bells and whistles fine, but a simple list and count would do me.
For example a recent trip to South America revealed around 300 birds seen. It would be nice to list and count how many of these I saw for the first time without having to laboriously refer back to previous lists.
So something like -
These are the birds seen for this first time ever since the start of this trip [date]
These are the birds seen for the first time in Hampshire, year by year
and so onAlso a general point on filters. It would be useful to be able to multi select. Totals for Hampshire AND Dorset. Totals for April AND October. etc
Bob Wright commented
Even more general would be of use. You have recorded your sightings and would now like a print version and/or a print version of, say, for the year to date. Certainly useful for me in deciding what still needs to be seen in the coming months.
whysall commented
I like Bird Journal and find the way it works very useful. But the one big disappointment is that it cannot be used to calculate cumulative totals year by year for the world and smaller regions by filtering out repeated records for a species. If it could do that it would be perfect! Richard Brown.
Anonymous commented
how about by country as well would be good to see other catagories eg mammals as well
Brian Jones commented
Justin, it sounds like all of your proposals would accomplish what I was hoping for, and more. Thanks!
Mike Galtry commented
All good ideas. Data range to filters (preferably allowing specific dates rather than months) will be a great addition.
Sheila Wood commented
Any way that I could track my lifers would be a huge improvement. Your proposals sound very promising and would be very helpful in reviewing trips. I would like to be able to see a life list in chronological order of when a specie was seen for the first time