Custom Report Generator
E.g. Under "Entries" I might want to select a particular species and select records marked with the "interesting" property (or any other property) and then view a report showing not only a list of entries but also the notes, counts, etc for those sightings (all on one page).

This is now possible as part of the version 5 beta software:
This feature will be generally available in an update shortly.
There is plenty of scope for extensions of the new “reports” tab. Please create new suggestions/vote for reports/features you would like to see.
For example, new reports could help identify target species, such as in this suggestion:
Best wishes,
Des Cave commented
Great Idea
Anonymous commented
To add support to this comment, if I want to analyse my counts of, say, mallard at minsmere. I can apply both these filters in the entries view but all I see initially is a list of visits to minsmere. I then have to open an entry to view the count of mallards, then I have to click back to view the next entry, and so on. It would be nice for the filters just to show the individual mallard records and relevant details with the date. I would like to be able to export a year's sightings in species order (rather than by entry), so the output would be similar to that required for a county report.
Alan Melville commented
Under "Entries" if I select a single species, e.g. Musk Duck, I'm given a long list of dates and locations which is great but even better would be to include the count. How many Musk ducks did I see on each of those days / sites. This would allow the user to easily find the highest counts of a species for a given site, year etc