Accepting non-listed species is crucial (for species other than birds). The available taxonomies are limited (both in species and geogphpically - which is not a problem except when your recording moves to regions or species not covered which currently cannot be recorded).
Auto-installing taxonomies is of limited benefit as often out in the field you'd be out of mobile coverage. Include it as an option (setting: Auto-install required taxonomies) bit it is not the answer.
Best solution is where a species that is not listed in a loaded taxonomy is entered a pop-up requests confirmation, maybe protected by a Preference setting (e.g. Un-listed Species: Disable/Pop-up Confirm/Always Accept.)
Accepting non-listed species is crucial (for species other than birds). The available taxonomies are limited (both in species and geogphpically - which is not a problem except when your recording moves to regions or species not covered which currently cannot be recorded).
Auto-installing taxonomies is of limited benefit as often out in the field you'd be out of mobile coverage. Include it as an option (setting: Auto-install required taxonomies) bit it is not the answer.
Best solution is where a species that is not listed in a loaded taxonomy is entered a pop-up requests confirmation, maybe protected by a Preference setting (e.g. Un-listed Species: Disable/Pop-up Confirm/Always Accept.)