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Enter observations in the desktop app, how-to

Observations are added by creating entries in your journal. Each entry can contain as much or as little detail as you like.

To add a new entry, press the New Entry button at the top.


To edit an existing entry, first navigate to it, then press the Edit Entry button.

The New / Edit Entry screen will then open. The top panel is for values related to the entry itself.

The exact set of fields shown can be customized in settings. For example, if you don't take photos these fields can be removed so they do not get in the way. Properties can be completely customised using textbox, checkbox and drop-down list type fields.

Type into the location field to see suggestions. To add a new location, you need to first open the Edit Locations screen and add it there.

The bottom panels are for observation input.

To enter observations, type into the Species field in the Observation panel. You can enter just the first few letters of each word. For example, entering ‘ba g’ will bring up Barnacle Goose.

Press the ENTER or TAB key to select a suggestion, or you can do so by clicking / tapping. Observation input fields will then enable and you can add as much or as little additional detail as you like.

Pressing the ENTER key on Count, Time or GeoTag fields will advance to the next new observation ready to type the species name again. The list of observations on the left will grow by one.

To change or customise the checklist, click / tap on the checklist to open the checklist picker.

Select the checklist or taxonomy to enter from on the left hand side. This list includes all items that are relevant for where the entry is for.

The Show group at the top right you can choose whether to allow input of subspecies or codes. The Filter group allows you to filter species to those that are likely (based on whether they have been observed before in your records). The Naming group lets you switch between local & scientific naming.

Preferences will be remembered and the likely filter will default to filtering to a sensible location based on where the entry is for.

In addition to entering observations by typing, it is possible to enter by checking off items from a list. Enable Checklist View using the toggle button.

When enabled, the screen transforms as needed. The list of observations becomes a list of all species with boxes you can tick. The species input field is removed and the Search field added. You can switch freely between Checklist View and the default (observation) view. Your preference to use Checklist View is remembered between edits.

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