Allow import/copy-paste on the taxonomy edit screen
Currently, you have to add data to the taxonomy editor by hand. It would be great to be able to import or copy-paste from a website/spreadsheet.

We’re considering if we can make a basic form of this available fairly soon.
This may mean accepting only a predefined format that we’d have samples for.
Now that all library content is available to everyone this feature is even more valuable.
If you send an email to with details on the missing name I'll message the author to see if it can be updated. Thank you!
Anonymous commented
I am a Norwegian user of Birdjournal. Is it possible to update some of the birdnames? There are two names that is only in latin. It is a Norwegian breeding birds. Hope you could help me updating the name
Sylfest Muldal commented
I want to record UK micro-moths in addition to macro-moths. I have a spreadsheet of species, but since there are thousands of species, it would be completely impractical to enter all this manually to create a taxonomy or checklist. I think the Library would get a significant boost in coverage if it were possible to do it from spreadsheet data.
Paul P commented
This would be a really useful upgrade!
Dennis Riordan commented
Yes, please.
stongey commented
Same comment a Rogerio... Full IOC translations for 20 languages could be made from the Multilingual Excel at alone.
John Rankin commented
This would be an excellent idea. In addition, as more & more people are adopting BirdJournal as a user-friendly multi-device tool, the demand for further taxa will only increase: UK vascular plants would be extremely helpful to many recorders of wildlife. John Rankin
Rogerio Mendes commented
I agree. Also I am working on a synonym pack for Portugal and would be great to be able to import a synonym pack instead of painfully typing each bird
Colin commented
This would be useful. I've just completed a whole load of UK Taxonomies (more in progress) and it has taken a long time. I've had to copy/paste individual entries- plenty of keystrokes!