Allow 'in the field changes to species' Position/Time on iPhone/Android
Having just returned from Brazil I had several occasions where I inadvertently added the wrong bird species in using live position/time. Later in the day(s) I was informed of the errors, and whilst I could add in the correct species for that day I could not remove the other 'incorrect' species in the field as I would loose the time/position it was seen to add to the correct species with the same position/time. It would be REALLY helpful to have the ability to 'modify in the field' the species you initially entered and replace it correctly without having to add in the correct species that is at the wrong time/position and still have the incorrect entry remain because you need its data. I appreciate you can correct items on the full version, but it is not helpful when actually in the field. Far from ideal unfortunately.

Oliver Smart commented
Same here! I regularly add a species and then wish to change it as I'm continually moving (driving/walking) and want to ensure the correct GPS location is recorded first. Once I've decided on what the species is I could be miles from where it was seen/heard. I have to wait until I return to my accommodation to be able to use the laptop/desktop to be able to make the change. So both the species name and/or GPS location should be able to be manually altered on the phone whilst out recording.
Nigel Rampton commented
Many times this has occurred when I have been travelling and like other comments made, I am unable to change errors made whilst still on location and have to get to a laptop to change every time is frustrating and leads to further position and time issue entries as a result.
BV commented
+1 I just found incorrect geo-tag for my test observation in Australia, but there doesn't seem to be a way to edit the tag. Massive gap. Every single field of a record should be editable.
Roland Gifford commented
Not being able to correct an incorrect observation is a massive weakness for the app version