[Versions 1, 2 & 3] Backup from the Windows app, how-to
Navigate to the backup feature
The backup feature can be found in Options > Maintenance > Backup Database…

The backup manager lets you set the preferred folder location for the backup, schedule backups and create a backup immediately. When you backup your database the backup feature creates a single database file. The database file contains all of your data, which includes, records, photos, locations, checklists, properties, etc.

Backup Manager

Schedule regular backups
It is recommend to enable the schedule backup feature to ensure your data is backed up regularly. When the schedule backup is enabled you will be prompted to back up your database when you close Bird Journal. Make sure you have setup the backup location correctly because, when the schedule backup processes it will automatically backup to the preferred backup folder.
Create a backup of your records
Create an immediate backup of your database by clicking on the ‘Backup Now’ button. The default backup filename is called ‘backup.birdjournal’. The backup file will be created in the preferred backup folder specified in the backup manager.