[Versions 3 & 4] Export, how-to
Export facilities are currently only available in the Windows desktop software. If you're only using one of our apps, then you can install the Windows desktop software for free, and sign in using the same email and password.
The export button can be found in the main menu:

When exporting your data you have two export options: current page or records. Exporting the current page will export the data on the current page using the Bird Journal format. Exporting records lets you export your data using the Bird Journal, eBird or BirdTrack formats.
The export record format can be selected in the format box:

If you do not see the format you are looking for in the format box, please search for it in the library, and install it first.

If you are exporting records to the BirdTrack format please ensure to enter your BirdTrack User ID in the box provided.
You can use the Range box to select all records, or only those added since the last time you exported. This is particularly useful when exporting regularly to another system, as Bird Journal will automatically select the entries that need to be exported. You can do this as often as you find convenient.
There are also filters that allow you to select a subset of entries and observations.
Once you're happy with the entries and observations that will be exported, click the Export button. This will open a save screen, allowing you to choose where to save the file, and what to call it. The type and format of file exported will be different, depending on the format you have chosen.
After the file has been exported, you can then use it as you wish, including importing it to another system such as eBird or BirdTrack. Note that BirdTrack and eBird formats allow the export of birds only.
Uploading to BirdTrack
From the BirdTrack menu click "Bulk upload list(s)". Browse for the file and follow the steps.