Bird names
I've started using the new IOC British list but I wonder if the common names could be changed from the American names to what were used to in Britain please?

There’s a synonym pack available for this for a while now. Search in the library for Birds of the United Kingdom (IOC), British Names or just switch the type to “synonym packs”
Anonymous commented
Hello. I am a Norwegian user. There are some Norwegian Birdnames that i miss on Birds Of the World IOC. Hope you are able to fix that. The first name is: Calidris maritima,Purple sandpiper. The Norwegian name for this is Fjæreplytt. The second name is Calidris pusilla,Semipalmated Sandpiper. The Norwegian name for this is Sandsnipe not Sansnipe as written. The Third name is Charadrius veredus,Oriental Plover. The Norwegian name for this is Steppelo,The fouth name is Ardeola ralloides, Squacco Heron. The Norwegian name for this is Topphegre. The fifht name is Tringa Solitaria,Solitary Sandpiper. The Norwegian name for this is Eremittsnipe.The sixt and the last for now is Lanius collurio,Red Backed Shrike. The Norwegian name for this is Tornskate.
Hope the are some possibility to fix this ASAP.
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Morten Kersbergen