Include a status field: breeding, resident, summer visitor, winter visitor, vagrant
Would like to be able to enter a status so that I could pull a report of, say, the breeding birds for a particular site

Already possible, please see most recent comment.
Thanks for confirming John.
It's actually possible to do this already. The properties you describe are just the ones created by default, you can have anything you like using checkbox, drop-down-list and text type fields. Note: Only the first two are searchable.
You can change them/add new ones in Settings.
Hope this helps. Declining this suggestion as I believe we already meet your needs here. Feel free to create another if this didn't quite cover it.
John Gardner commented
Hi Justin,
Thanks for the prompt response. What I was envisaging was being able to tick a status at the time of entry. Currently I can only tick seen/heard/highlight in the properties. What I wanted to do was to be able to indicate a nesting species etc do that I could pull a report off of all the breeding birds at, say, the local reservoir or my garden.
Thanks John.
Are you imagining this information to be associated directly for each species?
If so I think the best place to capture this would be in checklists. Checklists in Bird Journal reference species/subspecies in taxonomies, indicating presence. But I guess this could be extended to not only indicate presence, but the nature of that presence.
What do you think?