The possibility to record sightings at a site over the month by editing the entry rather than starting a new location each day.
I visit the same site almost every day and would like to record all the different species seen over a full month.
I could of course just start a new record each day but find it easier to actually edit the entry made on the 1st of the month.
All well and good but that only records the time not the date for each entry.
Maybe I am just a bit lazy but find this easier.

Annie commented
This would also be useful, for example, when you are on holiday and see a few things around the accommodation each day which add up to a good list for the week or two. But as most days are spent exploring elsewhere you keep your daily list for those places. Presently I do put in a single list for the first day, and add a comment that it is actually an accumulation for the rest of the time spent at that location.